Hello from Nick

Collector of books, fan of new reading and ever fascinated with the power of the written world to bring new ideas and thinking.

As an author I love time spent at my desk in my dedicated writing shed at the bottom of the garden or at a table in a neighbourhood coffee shop. I love to be with pens and paper working through ideas for a manuscript or a presentation.

Best of all is getting a concept out of my head and into a conversation with a reader, discussing our different ways of approaching something which unites all of us. This could be around Financial Thinking and Personal Budgeting, dealing with the Clutter we accumulate in our living spaces or wanting solutions and new ways of thinking about Debt so that we can enjoy more control of our money on the way to financial peace of mind.

It is so great to do what I enjoy with the writing, getting good feedback for the books that people enjoy and which can be seen to be making a positive difference.

Get in touch with Nick